Chef Melissa | My Soul

“I usually smile and say "sorry, my name is Melissa". 

The first question people ask me when they meet me at Alma Café is why I named Alma after me, or they assume my name is Alma. 

When you enter Alma you will understand my story, where I come from and who I am. The portrait of my parents is a tribute to the sacrifices they made to get me to where I am today. It's also a constant reminder that in my family we come from strong women, the ones who don't take no for an answer. One of those women is my mother Angelina. She gave her all to make her children happy. She married my father at a young age when she was 17 years old. My mom spent the rest of her life taking care of my dad and her children. 

The beautiful memories of my childhood in Honduras have inspired me to revive traditional dishes which carry a very important mission. I want to transmit the feeling of nostalgia to those who get a taste of the food that is prepared. Every dish you savor is not only traditional honduran, but it has Melissa’s personal touch. 

I am me, I am Melissa the chef and I am Melissa the woman. I don't hide, I don't use filters, I'm genuine and that's what Alma Café is, a reflection of who I am.