
Honduras, a vibrant country in Central America, is known for its rich cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years. From ancient Mayan ruins to colorful traditional festivals, Honduras offers a unique and diverse cultural experience for travelers. In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating cultural heritage of Honduras, exploring its historical sites, traditional arts and crafts, delicious cuisine, and vibrant festivals. Join us on this journey as we uncover the hidden gems of Honduras and gain a deeper appreciation for its cultural richness.

Historical Sites

Ancient Mayan Ruins

  • Explore the majestic ruins of Copan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  • Learn about the Mayan civilization and their architectural achievements

  • Marvel at the intricate stone carvings and hieroglyphic stairway

Colonial Architecture

  • Discover the colonial charm of Comayagua, the former capital of Honduras

  • Admire the beautiful Spanish colonial buildings and churches

  • Visit the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, one of the oldest churches in Central America

Traditional Arts and Crafts

Lenca Pottery

  • Learn about the ancient Lenca civilization and their pottery traditions

  • Witness the intricate designs and vibrant colors of Lenca pottery

  • Visit the small village of La Campa, known for its pottery workshops

Garifuna Drumming and Dancing

  • Immerse yourself in the rhythmic beats of Garifuna drumming

  • Experience the vibrant Garifuna dances, a blend of African and indigenous traditions

  • Attend the annual Garifuna Settlement Day celebrations in November

Delicious Cuisine


  • Indulge in the popular Honduran street food, baleadas

  • Enjoy a tortilla filled with beans, cheese, and various toppings

  • Try different variations, such as baleadas con huevos (with eggs) or baleadas con carne (with meat)

Sopa de Caracol

  • Taste the traditional Honduran seafood soup, sopa de caracol

  • Savor the flavors of conch, coconut milk, and various spices

  • Experience an authentic taste of the Caribbean in Honduras

Vibrant Festivals

Semana Santa (Holy Week)

  • Witness the elaborate processions and religious rituals during Semana Santa

  • Experience the unique blend of Catholic and indigenous traditions

  • Join the locals in celebrating this important religious festival

Feria Juniana

  • Celebrate the Feria Juniana, the most significant cultural festival in Honduras

  • Enjoy live music, traditional dances, and delicious food

  • Experience the vibrant atmosphere of this month-long festival in San Pedro Sula


Honduras is a treasure trove of cultural heritage, offering travelers a wide range of experiences. Whether exploring ancient Mayan ruins, admiring traditional arts and crafts, indulging in delicious cuisine, or joining vibrant festivals, Honduras will captivate you with its rich cultural tapestry. So pack your bags and embark on a journey to discover the hidden gems of this beautiful country.

Chef Melissa | My Soul

“I usually smile and say "sorry, my name is Melissa". 

The first question people ask me when they meet me at Alma Café is why I named Alma after me, or they assume my name is Alma. 

When you enter Alma you will understand my story, where I come from and who I am. The portrait of my parents is a tribute to the sacrifices they made to get me to where I am today. It's also a constant reminder that in my family we come from strong women, the ones who don't take no for an answer. One of those women is my mother Angelina. She gave her all to make her children happy. She married my father at a young age when she was 17 years old. My mom spent the rest of her life taking care of my dad and her children. 

The beautiful memories of my childhood in Honduras have inspired me to revive traditional dishes which carry a very important mission. I want to transmit the feeling of nostalgia to those who get a taste of the food that is prepared. Every dish you savor is not only traditional honduran, but it has Melissa’s personal touch. 

I am me, I am Melissa the chef and I am Melissa the woman. I don't hide, I don't use filters, I'm genuine and that's what Alma Café is, a reflection of who I am.


One of the best thing I ever eat my whole life is a Baleada . Simple food but so fulling. My mother made the best ballads I can remember … through the passing of time every time I eat so many baleada. i always compare them with the ones my mother use to do for me. you see for me food is memory every time I eat something want the food to be relate to a memory… call me crazy but through food I have learn so much but culture and the person that make it.

So for me to share this recipe so much more personal than anything else.



  • 2 cups all-purpose

  • 1 cup water

  • ½ cup vegetable oil

  • 1 egg

  • ½ teaspoon salt


  • 2 cups refried beans, warmed

  • 1 avocado, sliced

  • ½ cup crumbled queso fresco (fresh white cheese)

  • ¼ cup crema fresca (fresh cream)

  • 2 scramble eggs


  1. Mix flour, water, vegetable oil, egg, and salt in a large bowl; knead until dough is smooth and no longer sticky.

  2. Form the dough into 8 golf ball-sized balls. Cover and let rest, about 20 minutes.

  3. Stretch each ball of dough into a thick tortilla.

  4. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Cook each tortilla until browned and lightly puffed, about 1 minute per side.

  5. Layer refried beans, avocado, and queso fresco over tortillas. Drizzle crema on top; fold tortillas in half over filling.

Chef Melissa | Mi Alma

Normalmente sonrío y digo "lo siento, mi nombre es Melissa”. 

La primera pregunta que me hace la gente cuando me conoce en el Alma es por qué le puse mi nombre, o suponen que me llamo Alma. 

Al entrar a Alma entenderán mi historia, de donde vengo y quien soy. El retrato de mis padres es un tributo a los sacrificios que hicieron para poder llegar donde ahora estoy. También es un constante recordatorio de que en mi familia venimos de mujeres fuertes, las que no aceptamos un no como respuesta. Una de esas mujeres es mi mamá, Angelina. Lo dió todo para hacer felices a sus hijos. Se casó con mi papá muy joven, a los 17 años. Mi mamá pasó el resto de su vida cuidando de él y de sus hijos. 

Los hermosos recuerdos de mi niñez en Honduras me han inspirado a revivir platos tradicionales los cuales cargan una misión muy importante la cual es transmitir ese sentimiento de nostalgia al que los pruebe. Cada plato que comas en Alma es tradicional hondureño solo que con un toque personal de Melissa. 

Soy yo, soy Melissa la chef y soy Melissa la mujer. No me escondo, no uso filtros, soy auténtica y eso es Alma Café, un reflejo de lo que soy. 
